Why Do I Need Strategy?

I get it. It’s hard to invest in something you can’t see. But when you’re building a business, there’s not a lot of clarity to begin with.

You can see where you want to go…

But the way to get there is foggy.

When you start a business or project, you probably have a good idea of where you want to go—just like when you start any journey. The destination is clear in your mind, but to reach that destination, there are countless choices you need to make, like…

What type of transportation will you take?
Go by foot? A plane? Horseback?? Train???

What about sudden detours?
Like a traffic accident or (more) construction?

Should you take the scenic route?
Or maybe the safe route?
Or should you go completely off-road??

Marketing and brand strategy takes all of these factors into consideration to build the roadmap for your specific business goals. It outlines the best route based on the business’ needs, your customers’ needs, and cultural trends that will affect your trajectory.

By taking the time to map out a strategy to reach your goals, you are not only increasing your chances of reaching your destination, you’re figuring out how to get there in the most efficient and effective way possible.

A strategist maps out the best route to reach your destination.

Can you be successful without a strategy? Of course. You might. You could wing it and spend your time wandering through the fog, trying this road, then that one. And yes, you might just make it. And by the time you reach your goal, you’ll be beaten, bruised, and exhausted. Or… you might even be somewhere you didn’t want to be.

So... I get it. It’s hard to invest in something you can’t see. Strategy can feel fuzzy sometimes—hard to wrap your head around. But when it’s done right, it provides the opposite.

It provides clarity.