Now this little combo snuck up on me during a walk in the woods. None of these colors are one that typically catch my attention (besides that minty green perhaps) but for whatever reason, this appealed to me. I credit the layers of contrasting hues within the image—the rich darks and the barely there lights. Again, another example of how texture completes the color story!
I had a lightbulb moment on a run last summer. One of those times (that so often happens on a run) when the big picture suddenly becomes clear...
You *can’t* sprint forever. Eventually... you have to recover.
Have influencers become passe? Do millenials, or other generations for that matter, no longer believe influencers when they tout a product?
Getting sick of useless brainstorms? Well, you’re probably not doing it right. Read these guidelines to understand ten ways to make your ideations more productive.
I get it. It’s hard to invest in something you can’t see. But when you’re working on a business, there’s not a lot of clarity to begin with. Find out why a solid strategy is worth it in the long run—helping you reach your goals faster and with less bumps and bruises.
Brainstorms aren’t about sitting around and waiting for creative brilliance to strike like a bolt of lightening. (Maybe this was a misnomer from the start?) Either way, a productive creative session takes work—before, during, and after—all while mixing in that beautiful wildness of the creative mind.
Have you ever developed something wildly special and then suddenly realize... you’re not in Kansas anymore? That your “almighty a-ha!” (as we like to call it) is un-google-able? There are no white papers to support it. No case studies. No scholarly articles. And despite that, you know you want to need to MUST take the next step forward.
Do you like the familiarity of the inner circles? When is it right to push past them? How does that disrupt your team and… is it worth it? Learn what circles you work best in and why you might just need to piss some people off once in a while.